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Password vs Passphrase vs Seed Phrase: What’s The Difference And When You Use Them?

Password vs Passphrase vs Seed Phrase

As the internet exploded in popularity during the 1990s, few people gave much thought to security. However, it didn’t take long for the importance of cybersecurity to become glaringly evident. Over the years, the world of online security has evolved, often leaving internet users bewildered about how to safeguard their digital accounts. Because of human tendencies, such as poor memorization and predictable choices, which pose real threats to security, the introduction of passphrases was inevitable. To further complicate matters, the boom of blockchain and cryptocurrencies enforced taking security to the next level with the emergence of seed phrases. In this article, we’re going to explain the differences and leave you with no doubts about how to secure your online activities.

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What Is The Password?

This question may sound trivial as almost everyone seems to know what a password is. But in reality, do you know what constitutes a strong password? Since there’s much more to it, we explain this matter and address this serious question in another article titled ‘What Actually Is a Strong Password and How to Create One.

If strong passwords were enough to secure your online presence, why would we even need to discuss this further? Well, the problem is… the password itself. Since we, as humans, are often not very good at memorizing passwords, we compromise security to remember them. But it doesn’t have to be this way.


The Need For The Passphrase

While most of us are familiar with passwords, passphrases might still seem unfamiliar. A passphrase is essentially a type of password made up of a series of words, which can be separated by spaces or not; this spacing doesn’t significantly impact their security. Passphrases often consist of more characters than traditional passwords, which makes them more secure but also easier to remember, often with the help of mnemonic methods.


Enter the 'Seed Phrase'

If the complexity of password and passphrase choices were not enough, the rise of cryptocurrencies pushed the envelope of security even further. This is where the ‘Seed Phrase’ comes into play, a key component of cryptocurrency wallets. In terms of cybersecurity, the Seed Phrase serves a role somewhat akin to that of a passphrase, securing your cryptocurrency wallet.

However, it is important to note that a Seed Phrase (also known as Seed Words) is not a mere password for your wallet. It represents a lengthy combination of words, typically ranging from 12 to 24 in number, which functions as a ‘Seed’ to derive your wallet keys and address. Because your cryptocurrency wallet operates on a blockchain rather than residing on a single computer, anyone who gains possession of your Seed Phrase effectively gains control over your wallet and the digital assets it holds.

In this intricate landscape of digital security, understanding the nuances of passwords, passphrases, and Seed Phrases is essential. Each serves a unique purpose and is employed in distinct contexts, making it crucial for users to choose the right key for the appropriate door of their digital world.

The Password vs. Passphrase Conundrum: A Critical Examination

Several years ago, the popular science comic blogger Randall Munroe, also known as XKCD, presented a thought-provoking comparison between passwords and passphrases. Through mathematical insights derived from information theory, Munroe’s comic aimed to illustrate the vulnerability of passwords and the potential advantages of passphrases. The crux of his argument lies in the idea that passwords, while difficult for humans to remember, are comparatively easier for computers to guess. This leads to a critical security concern: people often resort to using simpler passwords, writing them down, or even reusing them, which further compromises their online security.


passwords strenght and entropy explained

Munroe’s conclusion is both striking and sobering:

“Through 20 years of effort, we’ve successfully trained everyone to use passwords that are hard for humans to remember, but easy for computers to guess.”

However, it’s essential to understand that the primary threat does not usually come from targeted attacks on individuals. Instead, when you create an online account, the company stores your password in encrypted form on its servers. If malicious actors manage to breach this password database, they can run password-guessing programs against the list to find matches. Notably, modern computers have the capability to guess hundreds of billions of passwords per second, although companies typically employ encryption methods that slow down this guessing process.


The Advent of Passphrases

In response to these challenges, a new approach emerged – the passphrase. Passphrases replaced the traditional, seemingly random combinations of letters and digits with sets of words randomly selected from a dictionary. While passphrases are easier to remember, they are even more challenging for unauthorized parties to guess, particularly if they are crafted using a robust creation process. This shift in password strategy gave rise to the ongoing password vs. passphrase debate, with both options now being used interchangeably. The choice between them largely depends on the preferences and needs of the user.

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Another Layer Of Protection

Okay, so you really want to get creative? Keep reading…

Another use case for a passphrase is adding an extra layer of security to your crypto wallet. We’ve just mentioned that the key component of a blockchain wallet is the Seed Phrase, which is a string of 12 to 24 (usually) randomly chosen dictionary words. Based on these words, an algorithm calculates the derivative keys (and this process always produces the same outcome). But what if you could add a 25th word to it, or even a whole sentence?

Yes, the outcome of the calculation will differ. You’ll receive an entirely new string of numbers (referred to as keys), thus creating a distinct wallet. This process is also known as creating ‘Hidden Wallets.’ The purpose and use case for this are discussed in another article, but for now, this is how you navigate the crypto jungle.

Unveiling the Cosmic Scale of Cryptographic Mastery

Fascinating Tidbits

Did you realize that Earth boasts an estimated:

7,500,000,000,000,000,000 sand grains

And the Universe houses an astounding:

10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars

Nonetheless, within the realm of BIP-39, there exists a mind-boggling:


possible combinations for 12-word Seed Phrases!

The potency of BIP39 emanates from its adept utilization of entropy to conjure up these unique seed phrases. By cherry-picking 12 words from a pool of 2048, the potential combinations soar to a whopping 2^132. To put this into perspective, ponder this:


– The Number of Sand Grains on Earth: Calculating this number proves to be a formidable task due to the sheer abundance of sand grains in deserts, beaches, and ocean floors. While a rough estimate suggests 7.5 quintillion sand grains grace Earth’s beaches alone, the total count, encompassing deserts and the ocean floor, would undoubtedly exceed this figure. Nevertheless, it pales in comparison to 2^132 by multiple orders of magnitude.


– The Number of Stars in the Universe: Estimates concerning the stars in the observable universe exhibit some variability. Generally, it falls within the bracket of 100 billion to 200 billion galaxies, each housing hundreds of billions to trillions of stars. Consequently, the total number of stars in the observable universe is estimated to be around 10^24 to 10^25, which remains considerably smaller than 2^132.

In summary, 2^132 towers above both the number of stars in the observable universe and the count of sand grains on Earth. It vividly underscores the colossal array of potential combinations when selecting 12 words from a catalog of 2048 words, as exemplified by BIP39 seed phrases. And imagine the expansion when you opt for 24 words (a feature also available when generating a new wallet).

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In closing, we’ve explored the essential distinctions between passwords, passphrases, and seed phrases, equipping you with valuable insights into their specific roles in fortifying your online security. We trust that this journey has been both engaging and educational, demystifying cybersecurity jargon and offering clarity. The next time you need to secure your online assets, confusion will no longer be a factor, and you’ll have a clear understanding of how to accomplish it effectively.

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