Sometimes, a regular VPN is not enough to ensure you are fully “invisible” and leaks some data. This is where DPN comes in handy!


Enhanced Privacy and Security

The Deeper Connect provides cybersecurity and decentralized VPN (DPN) features, offering increased privacy and security for your internet connection.


Enterprise-Level Cybersecurity

The device offers seven-layer firewall protection with deep packet inspection, making it suitable for home networks and remote work scenarios.


Decentralized VPN

Unlike traditional centralized VPNs, the DPN is peer-to-peer, making it more secure and private as you connect to other nodes or devices instead of a centralized server.


Resilience to Censorship

The DPN’s decentralization makes it resistant to censorship, ensuring access to information even in regions with strict online restrictions.


No Subscription Fees

Users do not have to pay monthly subscription fees, making it a cost-effective solution for VPN and cybersecurity.


Access to Censored Content

Users can access censored or restricted content in their region by connecting to nodes in other countries.


High Performance

The DPN is claimed to be faster than traditional VPN services, especially during peak traffic periods, due to its decentralized nature.


Improved Bandwidth

Smart routing enables multiple tunnels to be connected simultaneously, avoiding the need to switch VPN connections when multiple family members or devices are using the network.


DPR Crypto Earnings

Users can earn DPR (Deeper Network’s cryptocurrency) by sharing their connection with others, creating an incentive to contribute to the network.


Customizable VPN Routing

The DPN allows users to customize routing based on specific domains, streamlining the VPN experience.


Ownership of Data and Attention

The device aligns with the principles of web3, empowering users to have ownership of their data, time, and attention.

Take Your Privacy Wherever You Go

Using the Deeper Connect Pico is a breeze, making it accessible to tech-savvy users and newcomers alike. Unlike traditional devices, this hardware VPN device simplifies the process with user-friendly features. Just plug it in, connect it to your device or modem via the USB Type-C ports, and you’re ready to go. 

Whether you’re at home, a coffee shop, or traveling, the Pico ensures your internet connection is secure and private, thanks to its seven-layer firewall with deep packet inspection. With its intuitive design and straightforward setup, the Deeper Connect Pico puts the power of cybersecurity in your hands without the hassle of subscriptions or intricate settings. It’s the ultimate solution for anyone looking to enhance their online privacy and security effortlessly.

Why Should I Switch To Deeper Network?

Privacy & Security Protecting

Phishing, hacks, virus and malware attacks occur every day. A 7-layer firewall protects your entire network and a device that encrypts all your data and connecting without any centralized servers protects your privacy.

Geo Unblocking

Users often encounter geo-restrictions which prevent them from accessing information, restricting their freedom. Deeper Connect’s unique Decentralized VPN (DPN) technology bypasses all geo-restrictions wherever you are in the world.

Ads Blocking

Pop-ups, targeted suggestions, video and banner ads all interrupt your internet experience. By blocking these ads, you’ll be able to enjoy an uninterrupted and faster internet experience.

Privacy & Security Protecting

Phishing, hacks, virus and malware attacks occur every day. A 7-layer firewall protects your entire network and a device that encrypts all your data and connecting without any centralized servers protects your privacy.

Money Saving

Deeper Connect products can help you save on your online expenses through various means, such as zero subscription fees, getting cheaper flights and hotels, and obtaining cheaper gaming subscription fees. Save up to thousands of dollars every yeah. This device pay for itself and much more!

Ads Blocking

Pop-ups, targeted suggestions, video and banner ads all interrupt your internet experience. By blocking these ads, you’ll be able to enjoy an uninterrupted and faster internet experience.

What is DPN and why should I use it?

The Deeper Connect enables a fully Decentralized VPN (DPN) which comes with the following advantages:

1. Data security: You are the true owner of your data with DPN technology, your data can’t be accessed by VPN corporations.

2. Pocket the Earth’s Network Source: With Deeper Connect, bypass your region’s online restrictions and enjoy free access to the internet.

3. Lifetime Zero Subscription Fee: With 80,000+ nodes around the world, you can always get the fastest tunnel intelligently, Never pay expensive VPN subscription fees again.

What is the difference between DPN and regular VPN?

DPN is the latest innovation using blockchain technology. Here are the main differences between DPN and VPN:
1. Data Transmission Method: Decentralized VPN (DPN) transfers data securely through 80,000+ nodes (1,000,000+ nodes by 2024) while VPN transfers data through centralized servers. Your data can easily be decoded and you are relying on the morality of your VPN provider to not sell your data to third-parties. With DPN, user data operates on a decentralized network and can never be accessed, collected, or sold.
2. Cybersecurity: Deeper Connect enables an enterprise-grade 7-layer firewall to protect your data transmission; VPN doesn’t take any other tech to protect your data for further security.
3. Additional Deeper Connect features not offered by VPN: AD Blocking, Internet Parent Control, IoT Protection, crypto minning, and more!.

How does DPN hardware ensure my data security?

Deeper Connect puts great importance on customer’s data security. You can rest assured that your sensitive information is secure with the following technology:

1. Seven-layer firewall: This level of firewall security is usually only used by corporations and military, and was developed by leading cybersecurity experts from Silicon Valley.

2. DPN Data Transmission: With over 80,000 nodes around the world, it is infinitely close to impossible to catch your data; but in the traditional VPN way, catch it – decode it – sell it may happen, it depends on your VPN provider’s morality.

Do I have to pay subscription fees?

Not at all. Deeper Connect comes with the Lifetime Zero Subscription Fee!

With 80,000+ nodes around the world, you can always get the fastest tunnel intelligently, Never pay expensive VPN subscription fees again.

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