Proton Suite

Discover Proton: Your Privacy Shield Online – Choose Proton for Secure Email, Calendar, Storage, and VPN Services. Take Back Your Privacy Today & Stay Safe Online!


Password and Identity Protection

Proton Pass ensures your passwords and identity are protected with end-to-end encryption, bolstering your online security.


Protected Calendar

Your life events and schedule are kept safe with the encrypted calendar, shielding your personal information.


Enhanced Privacy

Your online activities are kept private, protecting your personal information from being accessed by unauthorized entities.


Data Control

You have full control over your data, ensuring it’s not exploited by tech companies, governments, or hackers.


Secure Communications

Proton’s encrypted email service guarantees that your email communications remain private and secure.


Data Security

Proton Drive offers encrypted cloud storage, allowing you to securely store and manage your files.


Strong Encryption & Swiss Privacy Laws

Proton services use strong encryption, open-source code, and Swiss privacy laws to safeguard your privacy.


Access to Blocked Content

Proton VPN lets you access blocked content and browse the web privately, ensuring unrestricted internet access.


Universal Access

Proton apps are available on multiple devices, allowing you to use privacy-by-default services across various platforms.


Transparent and Trustworthy

Proton’s open-source apps are independently audited, providing transparency and trust in the services you use.


Freedom of Choice

You can switch to Proton and migrate your data from other services easily, ensuring your privacy preferences are met.

5 Security Tools In 1 Suite

Proton offers a comprehensive suite of security tools designed to protect your online presence. Proton Mail ensures your communications are private and secure with end-to-end encryption. Proton Calendar safeguards your schedule and appointments with encrypted calendars. Proton Drive provides secure cloud storage, giving you control over your files. Proton VPN offers a gateway to online freedom, allowing you to access blocked content and browse privately. Lastly, Proton Pass secures your passwords and identity with end-to-end encryption. With these five essential tools, Proton not only empowers you to take control of your digital life but also ensures your data remains confidential and secure, all under one trusted platform.

Proton Takes It Even Further!

Proton Mail
Proton Drive
Proton VPN
Proton Pass
Proton Calendar
Proton Mail

Proton Mail

Proton Mail surpasses other email services through robust security measures that ensure your communications remain private and protected. While traditional email providers may leave your data vulnerable to prying eyes, or even read your communication, Proton Mail employs end-to-end encryption, which means only you and the intended recipient can read your messages. This advanced level of encryption, combined with Proton's strict adherence to Swiss privacy laws, sets it apart by making your emails truly confidential, thus ensuring your personal and professional correspondence remains shielded from unauthorized access.

Proton Drive

Proton Drive offers several advantages over other cloud-based drives, making it a top choice for those concerned about data security and privacy. It utilizes zero-knowledge cloud storage, which means that your files are protected with end-to-end encryption, ensuring that only you can access your data. Unlike popular cloud storage services like Google Drive and Dropbox, Proton Drive does not retain access to your files, making it a more secure option. This level of privacy and security is particularly beneficial for safeguarding sensitive and personal data, such as photos or financial documents. Additionally, Proton Drive allows for secure collaboration and file sharing, making it a versatile and privacy-focused cloud storage solution.

Zero-knowledge cloud storage is the most secure way to store your files. Learn how Proton protects your sensitive data with zero-access, end-to-end encryption >> here.

Proton VPN

Proton VPN

Proton VPN stands out as a superior choice among VPN services due to its unwavering commitment to privacy and security. While other VPNs may fall short, Proton VPN excels in safeguarding your online activities with its robust encryption and strict no-logs policy. This means your data remains confidential and is never logged or shared with third parties. Proton VPN also boasts a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for everyone, while its high-speed servers ensure seamless browsing and streaming experiences. Moreover, Proton VPN is developed by the creators of ProtonMail, renowned for their dedication to privacy, making it the ideal choice for those seeking a VPN that truly prioritizes their online security and anonymity. Switch to Proton VPN for unparalleled protection and peace of mind in the digital realm.

Proton Password Manager


Proton Pass Password Manager stands out as a superior choice among password managers offering unparalleled security and user-focused features. Proton Pass  provides a superior solution for managing your passwords and securing your online identity. Its advanced security features, commitment to privacy, user-friendly design, and seamless integration within the Proton ecosystem make it the ideal choice for those seeking comprehensive online protection. Starting to use Proton Pass is a proactive step towards enhancing your digital security and ensuring your sensitive information remains confidential and well-protected.

Proton Calendar


Proton Calendar stands out as a superior web-based calendar solution due to its unwavering commitment to user privacy and security. With a strong emphasis on safeguarding your data, Proton Calendar employs end-to-end encryption, ensuring that your schedule remains confidential and secure. This level of security is further reinforced by Swiss legal protections, offering you peace of mind about the privacy of your personal information.

Choosing Proton Calendar is a proactive step towards taking control of your online privacy. With its user-centric design, top-tier encryption, and dedication to seamless integration, Proton Calendar empowers you to keep your schedule confidential and secure within the trusted Proton ecosystem.

CAUTION: Even when equipped with state-of-the-art security tools and encryption, NEVER EVER STORE YOUR CRYPTO WALLET'S SEED WORDS OR PRIVATE KEYS ONLINE!!!

How Proton Can Help Me Secure My Crypto Assets?

Proton does not store cryptocurrencies itself and does not serve as a digital wallet. However, most hacks and breaches occur due to weak protection of users’ data, leading to the manipulation of users, blackmail, or even extortion. Additionally, there are numerous sophisticated phishing attempts where criminals begin by collecting sensitive and private information about potential victims. Therefore, Proton helps protect digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, by mitigating the aforementioned risks or eliminating them.

Data Security & Privacy

Proton’s strong encryption, Swiss privacy laws, and open-source code ensure your sensitive information, including personal data and online activities, is safeguarded against unauthorized access and breaches.

Phishing Prevention

Proton’s commitment to privacy and transparency helps mitigate the risk of falling victim to sophisticated phishing attempts, as it does not sell your data or allow the collection of your private information for malicious purposes.

User Empowerment

By putting you in control of your data, Proton ensures that you are the sole custodian of your online privacy and digital identity, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.

End-to-End Encryption

Proton’s end-to-end encryption technology ensures that your communications and personal information remain inaccessible to anyone, including Proton, without your explicit permission, preventing potential breaches.

Community-Driven Security

Proton’s community-first approach and independent security audits by experts contribute to a safer digital environment, protecting your digital assets against vulnerabilities and breaches.

Privacy-Centric Ecosystem

Proton’s broader ecosystem, built on the foundation of privacy and security, complements the protection of your crypto assets by eliminating the risk of data manipulation, blackmail, extortion, and other malicious activities.

With Proton’s focus on security, privacy, and empowering users, it helps protect digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, by reducing and eliminating the risks associated with data breaches and cyberattacks.

Proton Takes It Even Further!

The Proton Sentinel program offers advanced account protection for individuals and organizations that deal with sensitive data. This high-security program is designed to provide the highest level of security and support to its users. Here are some key benefits of the Proton Sentinel program:
  • Advanced Protection: Users enrolled in the Proton Sentinel program benefit from advanced security measures that are more likely to detect and challenge suspicious events, such as login attempts. This helps safeguard their accounts against unauthorized access.
  • 24/7 Security Monitoring: Suspicious events are escalated 24/7 to a team of security analysts who review assessments made by automated systems. This combination of AI and human expertise ensures a higher level of security and threat detection.
  • Expert Support: Support requests related to account security automatically escalate to trained security specialists. Users can expect prompt assistance and guidance in handling security-related concerns.
  • Comprehensive Security: The Proton Sentinel program goes beyond the default protections offered by Proton, which are already very secure. It adds an extra layer of security with the human element, making it highly effective in safeguarding user accounts.
    • Continuous Monitoring: Accounts enrolled in the program are monitored around the clock not only by software but also by teams of security analysts who specialize in detecting infiltration and account takeover attempts. This proactive monitoring provides unparalleled protection.
    • User Empowerment: Proton Sentinel users receive more account security alerts and information for self-monitoring. They can stay informed about important security events, such as logins and account changes, with detailed information provided.

    In summary, the Proton Sentinel program is ideal for individuals and organizations that prioritize the security of their accounts and sensitive data. It offers a comprehensive and proactive approach to account protection, combining AI-driven security measures with the expertise of human security analysts, ensuring users have the highest level of security and support available.

    What is Proton?

    Proton is an all-in-one privacy-focused platform that offers a suite of services to help you stay private and secure online. It includes encrypted email, a secure calendar, encrypted file storage, a VPN (Virtual Private Network), and a password manager.

    How can I get started with Proton?

    Getting started with Proton is easy. Simply visit the Proton website and create a free account. Once you have an account, you can access and use the various Proton services.

    What are the key benefits of using Proton?

    Privacy: Proton prioritizes your privacy. Unlike some other services, Proton does not sell your data or show you targeted ads.
    Security: Proton uses strong encryption and follows Swiss privacy laws to ensure the security of your data.

    End-to-End Encryption: Your data is protected by end-to-end encryption, which means only you have access to your information.

    Open Source: Proton’s apps are open source and independently audited, adding an extra layer of transparency and trust.
    Access from Any Device: Proton apps are available on various platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, and more.

    What services does Proton offer?

    Proton offers the following services:

    • Proton Mail: Encrypted email service.
    • Proton Calendar: An encrypted calendar to keep your schedule secure.
    • Proton Drive: Encrypted cloud storage for your files.
    • Proton VPN: A VPN service to access blocked content and browse privately.
    • Proton Pass: A password manager that secures your passwords and identity with end-to-end encryption.
    How is Proton different from other similar tools?

    Proton differentiates itself through its strong focus on privacy, security, and user control. While many tech companies may define privacy as limiting access to your data only by themselves, Proton goes a step further. It believes that nobody should be able to exploit your data. Proton’s technology and business model are built on this fundamentally stronger definition of privacy.

    Is Proton free to use?

    Yes, Proton offers free accounts with basic features for all of its services. However, you can also upgrade to a paid account with additional features to support the service.

    Can I use Proton for my business?

    Yes, Proton offers services for businesses as well. It can help improve the security of your business and ensure compliance with data protection and privacy laws.

    Is Proton accessible to everyone?

    Absolutely. Proton believes that privacy is a fundamental human right and aims to make privacy accessible to everyone. It’s designed for individuals, businesses, and anyone who values online privacy.

    How can I contact Proton if I have questions or need support?

    You can find detailed information and support on the Proton website. They also provide a contact form and other resources for assistance.

    What is Proton's mission?

    Proton’s mission is to create a better world through privacy. They believe in people before profits and use their resources to advocate for an open internet that promotes freedom of speech and information.

    Who is behind Proton?

    Proton was founded by scientists, including Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web. It’s a community-driven organization created through a public crowdfunding campaign and built with community input.

    Is my data safe with Proton?

    Yes, Proton is based in Switzerland, which has strict privacy laws. Your data is protected, and Proton cannot access it without your permission due to their end-to-end encryption.

    How many people use Proton?

    Over 100 million individuals and businesses have signed up for Proton, trusting it to protect their online privacy.

    Can I use Proton in countries with restricted online freedom?

    Yes, Proton apps have advanced anti-censorship technologies built-in, allowing you to access your email, files, calendar, passwords, and VPN even in countries with limited online freedom.

    How can I support Proton's mission?

    You can support Proton by using their services and, if you choose, upgrading to a paid account with more features. Your support helps Proton continue to provide privacy and security to millions of users worldwide.

    Is it complicated to migrate from other tools?

    Migrating from other tools, such as Gmail or LastPass, is now incredibly simple and hassle-free, all thanks to the dedicated app ‘Proton Easy Switch.’

    Privacy Policy

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    In Short

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    Privacy Statement

    We are committed to protecting your privacy. Authorized employees within the company, on a need-to-know basis, use any information collected from individual customers. We constantly review our systems and data to ensure the best possible service to our customers.

    What we collect

    We may collect the following information:

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    • Contact information, including email address
    • Other information relevant to customer surveys, our products, and/or offers

    We collect this information to better understand your needs and provide you with improved services. We may use this information for the following purposes:

    • Internal record-keeping
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    Notification of Changes

    The Company reserves the right to change these conditions from time to time as it sees fit by updating the date after “Last Updated On” without notice, and your continued use of the site will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms. You are, therefore, advised to re-read this statement on a regular basis. These terms of Privacy Policy form part of the Agreement between the Client and ourselves. Your accessing of this website and/or using our services indicates your understanding, agreement to and acceptance of the Privacy Policy and the full Terms of Service contained herein. Your statutory Consumer Rights are unaffected.

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