Discover State-OfThe-Art Cyber Fortress – A Home For Your Crypto


You Are In Full Control

Trezor provides you with a full custody of your cryptocurrency, giving you complete control over your assets.


Device Protection

Trezor hardware wallets offer solid security, a customizable PIN (up to 50 digits long), and the option to use passphrases for added protection and create unlimited “hidden wallets”.


Authentic Offline Hardware Wallets

Trezor offers offline hardware wallets that protect your assets and identity by removing online access to your data.


Damage & Loss Proof

Your funds are secure even in the event of device loss, theft, or damage.


No Personal Data Collected

Trezor does not collect personal data, ensuring your privacy and security.



Trezor wallets use public, open-source code designs for community-tested security.


Secure Seed Generation

Seeds are generated and stored offline, making them resistant to online threats.


Key Security Principles

Built on key security principles, including theft and device damage prevention, easy wallet recovery, and security even when in the wrong hands.


Sign & Verify

Confirms ownership of specific addresses on your Trezor.


Data Management Policy

Follows a client data policy, deleting or anonymizing data 90 days after purchase.


Firmware Security

All models arrive without firmware, enhancing security.


10+ Years in Crypto

With over a decade in the industry.


Security Features in Trezor Suite App

Offers a wide range of security features for managing your cryptocurrency.



Protects your identity with complex transaction anonymization.


Tor Support

Supports Tor, making it difficult to trace your internet activity.


Shamir Backup

A revolutionary backup method exclusively available on Model T, and Safe 3 devices.


Tamper-Evident Packaging

Device packaging is tamper-evident, ensuring the security of the device.



Trezor’s philosophy revolves around making crypto security easy and accessible to create a better and more just world.

Why Trezor?

Trezor’s commitment to transparency is evident in their mission to safeguard your financial independence. Their hardware wallets are designed to provide the safest cold storage solutions, protecting your cryptocurrencies from online threats. What sets Trezor apart is not just their cutting-edge technology but also their dedication to ensuring your information is kept safe with no exposure to compromised computers. With a team of experts at SatoshiLabs Group, Trezor offers an ecosystem that empowers you to buy, trade, send, and manage your coins with ease. Trust Trezor for the ultimate in cryptocurrency security and take charge of your financial future. Choose Trezor, the world’s foremost cryptocurrency hardware wallet, for unmatched security and control over your digital assets.

Choose One For You

Trezor Model T
Trezor One
Trezor Safe 3
Trezor T

Trezor Model T

The Trezor Model T is a sleek, stylish, and highly secure hardware wallet that offers advanced cold storage for cryptocurrencies. Featuring a vivid 1.54″ color LCD touchscreen, it allows users to manage their crypto and confirm transactions directly on the device. With the added security of Shamir Backup and on-device transaction confirmation, this wallet ensures peace of mind in managing your digital assets. It boasts features like a microSD card slot for added functionality and supports privacy-enhancing techniques. The Trezor Model T is designed for both style and safety, with a durable casing and easy-to-use interface, making it an excellent choice for crypto enthusiasts looking to safeguard their investments.

Trezor One

Trezor Model One

The Trezor Model One, the world’s first hardware wallet, has stood the test of time and remains one of the most secure hardware wallets available today. This trusted and affordable hardware wallet offers offline crypto security and provides complete confidence in handling your digital assets. With a 0.96″ Monochromatic OLED screen, a two-button pad, and features like PIN and passphrase entry, it ensures the utmost security for your cryptocurrency. Every transaction requires your physical confirmation right on the wallet, adding an extra layer of security. Whether you’re sending, receiving, or trading coins, the Trezor Model One has your back, and you can even enhance security with a PIN of up to 50 digits or by adding a passphrase. This iconic hardware wallet continues to offer reliable offline coin security, making it an enduring choice for crypto enthusiasts.

Trezor Safe 3

The Trezor Safe 3 is the latest hardware wallet designed to safeguard your digital assets with cutting-edge security features. It boasts a Secure Element (EAL6+) and device-entry passphrase for top-tier protection. This wallet offers a 0.96″ Monochromatic OLED screen, supports various coins, and enables direct on-device confirmation of transactions. With the option for Standard or Shamir Backup, you can easily recover your assets, and its sleek, modern design ensures both security and style. The Trezor Safe 3 is the future of crypto security, offering peace of mind for cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

CAUTION: Even when equipped with the most secure crypto wallet, you can still lose your coins if you don’t secure your Secret Recovery Phrase (Seed Words) – the right way!

CAUTION: Never purchase a crypto wallet from eBay, Amazon, or online stores other than the official manufacturer’s website!

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